SPECIAL REPORT: Transition to High School

Starting high school is a rite of passage posing many new challenges, but also offering exciting new opportunities. This can come with a number of mixed feelings, but especially given the tumultuous year 2020 presented due to COVID-19.The overall impact of this is still unknown and these different times will present unique challenges that could heighten any pre-existing mental health conditions or concerns your teenager may have.

All transitions are important, but the transition into high school is unique. Successful transitions rely on a number of social, emotion and practical factors. Being well prepared positively correlates to higher levels of wellbeing as well as greater engagement and achievement, all whilst improving the student’s chances of staying in education longer term. It is important for parents and carers to be mindful and supportive, but also realistic in their expectations. It can be easy for everyone involved to become overwhelmed during this time of transition.

As your teen settles into their new “normal”, it will be important for parents and carers to be vigilant in monitoring their young person’s mood and mental health during this time. There are a number of practical strategies you can implement to help support them whilst they learn to navigate this daunting, but exciting time in their lives.




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